Have you ever wondered how new plant varieties are developed and protected? The Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) plays a pivotal role in this process, ensuring that plant breeders' innovations are safeguarded. This not only fosters innovation but also supports a sustainable future in agriculture.

Montserrat García-Moncó Fuente, Head of the Legal & Governance Affairs unitat CPVO, recently shared insights on this topic during a recorded webinar in collaboration with Coapi, the Colegio Oficial des agents de la propietad industrial. The webinar, recorded in June 2024, delves deep into the intricacies of the plant variety protection system.

The Plant Variety Protection (PVP) system, managed by CPVO, is essential for encouraging the development of new plant varieties by granting breeders exclusive rights. This protection not only rewards innovation but also ensures that farmers and consumers benefit from improved and diverse plant varieties.

In the webinar, Montserrat highlights the legal frameworks and governance practices that support PVP, emphasizing the critical role these systems play in the global agricultural landscape. By understanding and utilizing these protections, breeders can continue to innovate, leading to more resilient and productive crops.


For those interested in exploring this topic further, don't miss out on this insightful recorded session. Access the recording here: https://youtu.be/PwVd5V-Fn2M