In order to answer several external queries and to streamline its official communication with all users, the CPVO wishes to bring clarity as regards the cancellation notifications for non-payment of fees.
According to Article 83(2) Regulation 2100/1994, the CPVO shall send one official reminder to right-holders or their procedural representatives once the deadline to perform the payment of the fee for protected varieties has expired. This official reminder is sent via MyPVR for electronic users and by registered mail with recorded delivery for paper-based users. It contains a new request for payment of fees and indicates the consequences of failure to pay.
The CPVO draws users' attention to the importance of meeting payment deadlines as set out in the official reminder. Failure to respect the time limit will immediately trigger the initiation of a cancellation procedure by the CPVO.
Therefore, as of 1 January 2022 the official reminder will be the only new request for payment of fees to right-holders or their procedural representatives before a cancellation procedure is initiated, if fees due to the Office have not been paid within the initial due date.