CPVO’s vision towards 2026, the Strategic Plan of the Community Plant Variety Office for the period 2022-2026, has been published today.
The Strategic Plan 2022-2026 provides an overall vision and outlines the priorities and focus areas of the CPVO in the years to come. The document is also a key element of our performance management framework, helping ensure that the CPVO achieves its objectives in an efficient, effective, and consistent manner.
The new Strategic Plan was approved by the CPVO Administrative Council on 14 October 2022 in Amsterdam and covers a period that coincides with the mandate of Francesco Mattina who is President of the CPVO since February 2022.
On the day of publication, Francesco Mattina said:
“Our new Strategic Plan is an ambitious roadmap for the next five years, to make the CPVO more adaptable and resilient. Digitalization and modernization play an important role in the future of the organization. We also need to better understand and serve the breeders’ and our stakeholders across all the European Union.”
“We have identified three strategic goals, which demonstrate not only the desire to continuously improve the inner workings of the CPVO, the commitment to deliver upon our mission to our stakeholders, but also the clear contribution of the CPVO to some of the desired outcomes of the EU political priorities such as the Green Deal and the Farm to Fork strategy”, he added.
“I would like to highlight two major drivers of our future actions. The first one is lean management, to modernize and continue improving the user experience of our tools. The second one is horizon scanning, which is the ability to forecast what will happen in the future and to adapt to these new changes. In my capacity as President of the CPVO, I commit to warrant the good execution of the new Strategic Plan”, he concluded.
CPVO’s strategic goals are listed in the infographics below and detailed in the document which can be downloaded in PDF.