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The CPVO Notes for Applicants have been updated to reflect the changes which happens at the beginning of 2020.
Changes include:
- revision of the paragraph on the designation of a Procedural Representative (paragraph 5.4),
- revision of the Chapter 14 -procedure of surrenders and withdrawals (use of ‘MyPVR’),
- revision of the Chapter 12 on appeals,
- a new Chapter 13 on ‘Restitutio in integrum’.
- one new UPOV country listed: Egypt (in Annex 1).
Please note that additional changes will be included in an updated version of the Notes for Applicants later this year, to reflect for instance the examination fees' adjustement which will enter into force on 1st April (Annex 3) and the United Kingdom exiting the European Union (Annex 1).
You can find more information on our "Filing an application" webpage.