As from 8:55am on 28 April, you will able to connect to our dedicated video platform and watch the videostream of the CPVO seminar using one of these links:
- Live videostream in ORIGINAL LANGUAGE (you will hear the seminar without interpretation)
In addition, you can also follow the seminar live on the CPVO YouTube channel, where the recordings should become available only a few hours after the end of the seminar.

Enjoy and remember that you can ask questions to the speakers at https://evals.fr/cpvo22 or scan this QR code:
Finally, the study "Impact of the Community Plant Variety Rights system on the EU economy and the environment", jointly published by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and the CPVO, can be downloaded:
- Download full study in English
- Download executive summary in English
- Download executive summary in French
On 28 April 2022, the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) will host a policy seminar dedicated to the role and impact of plant variety protection in the European Union. The seminar will also coincide with the public release and presentation of the new European study called "Impact of the Community Plant Variety Rights system on the EU economy and the environment" and jointly published by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and the CPVO.
The event is labeled as an official event of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union. It will be held in English and French, and will take place at the "Centre des Congrès Jean Monnier" located 33 Boulevard Carnot in Angers, France. The event will also be webstreamed live and recorded. Registration is necessary.
The event will gather representatives from the European Institutions, French authorities, Breeding industry, SMEs, academics and a broad range of other stakeholders.
For the detailed agenda, speaker biographies and registration, click here.