Question :

How to surrender a CPV Right? How to withdraw a CPVO application?

Answer :

Surrenders and withdrawals shall be sent electronically to the Office by e-users via the dedicated module that is available online from the dashboard of the user area ‘MyPVR’. It can also be a duly signed declaration annexed to an e-mail in case of malfunctioning of the user area.

If required, remedying documents shall be uploaded via the menu ‘Documents’ of MyPVR or the Communication Center.

Users who did not opt for the electronic communication with the Office can send their requests for surrenders and withdrawals either as a signed letter attached to an e-mail (to be sent exclusively to the following Office address: or by post.

Only the holder can surrender their rights. The holder can authorise a representative to surrender by proxy, if so the case the credentials provided to the Office must explicitly refer to an authorisation given to the representative to surrender in the name of the holder. The Office always sends confirmations of surrenders and withdrawals.

There is no possible recall of a surrender or a withdrawal declaration after midnight of the day of the request (CPVO local time).