The main steps in applying for Community Plant Variety Protection

Filling an application
The applicant files an application for protection either directly through the CPVO or through one of the national offices who subsequently transfers it to the CPVO.
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Checking an application
The services of the CPVO check that it is complete and eligible. If no obstacle prevents a grant of Community protection, the CPVO takes the necessary measures for organising the carrying out of a technical examination of the candidate variety.
Step 2

Technical examination
The aim of this is to verify that the variety is distinct from others, uniform in its characteristics and stable in the long run (DUS). The duration of the examination varies from one year for most ornamental species to six years for certain fruit tree varieties.
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Variety Denomination
Apart from the previous exigencies, the candidate variety must be designated by a variety denomination which is also subject to testing by the CPVO
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Grant of title
Once the CPVO considers that the examination results are satisfactory and that all the other requirements have been fulfilled, it grants a Community Plant Variety Right for a period of 25 years, and up to 30 years for vines, potatoes and trees
Step 5