The Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO), located at Angers (France), is a decentralized agency of the European Union. It manages a system for the protection of intellectual property rights relating to plant varieties across the European Union. As such, the Agency is subject to the provisions of the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities, the CPVO Financial Regulation and the relevant directives relating to the coordination of procedures for the award of public contracts.
CPVO buys services and supplies through public procurement calls, in line with EU legislation and the basic principles of transparency, equal treatment and non-discrimination, widest competition, proportionality and sound financial management.
Calls for tenders above EUR 143,000 are published on:
- the e-tendering platform
- the CPVO website following publication in the Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) database (the procurement supplement of the Official Journal of the European Union)
Calls for tenders between EUR 15,000 to EUR 143,000 are advertised in the annual Work Program in advance of their launch on the CPVO website under ‘Ex-Ante Publicity’.
For purchases with a value above EUR 143.000, the CPVO uses the open call for tenders’ procedure.
To view the procurement documents for a call of interest to you, please consult the table below. There you will find links to the e-tendering platform, where you can download all procurement instructions and forms related to that specific call (invitation letter, tender specifications, draft contract and any templates necessary for offer submission).
Low and Middle Value Negotiated Procedures of an estimated value between EUR 15 000 and EUR 143 000
Remplacement de parquet dans deux salles du siège de l’OCVV
Numéro de la procédure : CPVO/2025/LVP/0005
Brève description : L'objectif de cette demande d'achat est de procéder au remplacement complet du parquet couleur chêne 10x70X470mm dans deux pièces du bâtiment principal de l'OCVV, pour une superficie totale d'environ 90 m².
Date de lancement estimée de l’appel d’offres: 07/03/2025
Date limite pour les opérateurs économiques intéressés à participer à cet appel d’offres: au plus tard 05/03/2025 à 17h00 (heure d’Angers).
Les soumissionnaires potentiels peuvent exprimer leur intérêt par courrier électronique à l’adresse tenders [at] (tenders[at]cpvo[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Parquet replacement in two rooms of CPVO headquarters
Procedure number: CPVO/2025/LVP/0005
Brief description: The purpose of this purchase is the replacement of the parquet ( 10x70X470mm) in two rooms of the main building of OCVV, covering a total area of approximately 90 m²
Estimated launch date of the invitation to tender: 07/03/2025
Deadline for economic operators interested in participating in this call for tender: at the latest by 05/03/2025 at 17:00h (Angers time).
Potential tenders may express their interest via email at tenders [at] (tenders[at]cpvo[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Procédure de sélection pour les services de gestion d’un événement de l’OCVV en avril 2025 - CLOTURÉE
Numéro de la procédure : CPVO/2024/LVP/0008
Budget maximum : EURO 60.000 HT
Brève description : L’OCVV est actuellement à la recherche d'opérateurs économiques capables d'assurer la fourniture de l’ensemble des services nécessaires à la mise en place d'un événement de deux jours qui aura lieu en avril 2025, à Angers (environ 100 participants le premier jour et 250 participants le deuxième jour). Cela comprend les services de restauration, le transport, la logistique, les services audiovisuels et de streaming, l’éclairage, la réalisation de reportages audiovisuels avec vidéos et photos, le service d’hôtesses, ainsi qu’assurer la mise en œuvre de ces prestations y compris la fourniture de mobilier tel que des chaises et des tables pour le service de restauration lors de la soirée de Gala du 23, ainsi qu’un podium et du mobilier de scène pour la salle de séminaire le 24 avril.
Date de lancement estimée de l’appel d’offres: mi janvier 2025
Date limite pour les opérateurs économiques intéressés à participer à cet appel d’offres: au plus tard 13/01/2025 à 17h00 (heure d'Angers).
Les soumissionnaires potentiels peuvent exprimer leur intérêt par courrier électronique à l’adresse tenders [at] (tenders[at]cpvo[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Selection Procedure for Management Services for a CPVO event on April 2025 - CLOSED
Procedure number: CPVO/2024/LVP/0008
Maximum budget: EURO 60.000 (without VAT)
Brief description: The CPVO is currently seeking economic operators capable of providing all the services necessary for the implementation of a two-day event scheduled for April 2025, in Angers (approx. 100 participants day one and 250 day 2). This includes catering services, transportation, logistics, audiovisual and streaming services, lighting, the production of audiovisual reports with videos and photos, hostess services, as well as all other elements required for the implementation of these services, including the provision of furniture such as chairs and tables for catering during the Gala dinner of the 23 of April, as well as a podium and stage furniture for a seminar venue on the 24th of April.
Estimated launch date of the invitation to tender: mid-January 2025
Deadline for economic operators interested in participating in this call for tender: at the latest by 13/01/2025 at 17:00h (Angers time).
Potential tenders may express their interest via email at tenders [at] (tenders[at]cpvo[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Backup serveur et solution de stockage NAS - CLOTURÉE
Numéro de la procédure: CPVO/2024/LVP/0003
Brève description : L'objectif de cette demande d'achat est d'acquérir un serveur de sauvegarde fiable et une solution de stockage NAS pour améliorer la résilience, l'accessibilité et l'efficacité opérationnelle de nos données.
Date de lancement estimée de l’appel d’offres: 29/11/2024
Date limite pour les opérateurs économiques intéressés à participer à cet appel d’offres: au plus tard 27/11/2024 à 17:00h (heure d'Angers).
Les soumissionnaires potentiels peuvent exprimer leur intérêt par courrier électronique à l’adresse tenders [at] (tenders[at]cpvo[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Backup server and solution de stockage NAS - CLOSED
Procedure number: CPVO/2024/LVP/0003
Brief description: The purpose of this purchase request is to acquire a reliable backup server and NAS storage solution to improve the resiliency, accessibility and operational efficiency of our data.
Estimated launch date of the invitation to tender: 29/11/2024
Deadline for economic operators interested in participating in this call for tender: at the latest by 27/11/2024 at 17:00h (Angers time).
Potential tenders may express their interest via email at tenders [at] (tenders[at]cpvo[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Annual work programs and last CPVO programming document.
All tenderers should carefully read and follow the instructions in the General Guidance on CPVO Procurements.
The following additional documents and forms should be read and/or completed, as required.
- General conditions for CPVO contracts ( FR and EN)
- General Guidance on CPVO procurements ( EN and FR)
- Declaration on Honour on Exclusion criteria
- Simplified financial statement
- Third parties’ file form
- Declaration of Interest (DoI)
Participation in Inter-institutional procedures
The CPVO participates each year in Inter-Institutional Procedures with the European Commission and/or other European Agencies. The CPVO publishes here the list of Specific contracts concluded by the CPVO under other Institutions’ Framework contracts’ in accordance with the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the Union of July 2018 and the CPVO Financing regulation of 1 July 2019.
- CPVO list of contractors from inter-institutional procedures 2021
- CPVO list of contractors from inter-institutional procedures 2020
- CPVO list of contractors from inter-institutional procedures 2019
- CPVO list of contractors from inter-institutional procedures 2018
- CPVO list of contractors from inter-institutional procedures 2017
- CPVO list of contractors from inter-institutional procedures 2015
- CPVO list of contractors from inter-institutional procedures 2014
- CPVO list of contractors from inter-institutional procedures 2013
The CPVO has put in place an anti-fraud strategy, in line with its financial regulation and implementing rules.
The anti-fraud strategy complements existing policies and procedures such as the CPVO code of conduct and CPVO’s policy on handling conflicts of interests, thereby reinforcing the Agency’s commitment to the highest standards of integrity.
The overall objective of the anti-fraud strategy is to improve prevention, detection and the conditions for investigation of fraud, in close collaboration with the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), and to pursue adequate deterrence and reparation, with proportionate and dissuasive sanctions.
Fraud is defined in the applicable legal texts as an intentional breach of a rule with the aim of obtaining a gain, which may or not have a direct impact on the financial interests of the EU. It may include misbehaviours that have a reputational impact.
The CPVO will report any instance of suspected fraud to OLAF, which is exclusively competent to investigate such cases. In this context, potential beneficiaries, candidates, tenderers and participants are informed that (in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC), for the purposes of safeguarding the financial interests of the Union, their personal data may be transferred to the Financial Irregularities Panel or to the OLAF.
The CPVO aims to strengthen an anti-fraud culture at all levels of the organisation and provides relevant training.
Privacy Statement on processing of personal data in the public procurement and grant procedures